Jesus Christ was buried and rose again the 3rd day the body of Jesus did not decay..

The grave could not contain Him after 3 days. There was a time frame that Jesus was in the grave

The grave was meant to limit Jesus, but the grave did not have the power to hold Jesus

The challenges we face have an expiry time frame.

There was divine release because the power of God that was in Jesus brought Him back to live it was so strong that it brought Him back to live

Jesus Christ, by the power of God, was able to defeat death

It’s only Jesus who has the power over death.

Jesus Christ, after rising from the grave, He was recognized by people. He did not change to an animal or another person.

Jesus Christ proved to the Jews that He was truly the son of God.
The centurion also confessed that Jesus is the Lord.

We know that if we remain in Christ, we shall resurrect together with Christ

No matter the challenges you’re going through, we have the assurance that a day is coming when we shall live with Christ forever.

Be strong in the Lord no matter the challenges you’re going through. The Lord Jesus is on your side. He has not forsaken you and is not planning to forsake you. He will fight your battles

The devil, the Pharisees, and the Sadducees thought that they had triumphed over Jesus, but He rose again.
Psalms 30:5 weeping may tarry for a night, but joy comes in the morning

Jesus overcame death, and He rose up and is sitting in the right hand of God since
He lives in us. We are going to overcome

We should have confidence in God let no one deceive you and get you out of Christ

It’s only Jesus who can save the world.

1 Peter 1:18-19
knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers.

But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without a spot.

You can not become part of His household of God before being redeemed by His blood.

The challenges you are facing will not last forever. They will let you go.
You are coming out of challenges.

Jesus Christ came out of grave, we too are coming out of sickness, diseases, setbacks, disappointment, and delay.
Hebrew 13:8..He is the same today yesterday and forever…God does not change He does not increase in power, knowledge or understanding the way He was in the garden of the Eden is the same way He is today

Jesus was buried and rose again the third day, according to the scripture.

Has God spoken a prophetic word over your life? It is going to come to pass. whatever has been spoken concerning you in the scriptures is going to pass, has your dreams died, has your business failed, has your marriage challenges, God is bringing resurrection.

Anything that has died in our lives and our ministries is going to live again in Jesus’ name

Jesus did not bypass the third day. He was not delayed. Why is it that what God says concerning you has not come to pass at the right time is the spirit of delay.

Anything that is holding you captive, let it catch fire and release you.

When God promises, you have to contend in the place of prayer, in the place of service, and in the place of believing.

The Transforming Love of Christ Jesus

The love of Christ Jesus is the most profound and life-changing force in the universe. Unlike human love, which can be conditional and limited, the love of Christ is unconditional, boundless, and everlasting. It is a love that knows no limits, reaching out to us even in our most broken and sinful state. As the Apostle Paul writes in Romans, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” This love was not earned, nor can it ever be repaid. It is a gift freely given, a love that willingly endured the cross so that we might be reconciled to God and experience eternal life.

The love of Christ is not just a comforting idea; it is a powerful, transforming reality. When we truly grasp the depth of His love, it changes everything. It breaks down walls of shame, guilt, and fear, replacing them with grace, forgiveness, and peace. His love calls us out of darkness and into His marvelous light, giving us a new identity as beloved children of God. It is this love that empowers us to love others, even those who may seem unlovable, because we have first been loved by Him. Jesus Himself taught us that the greatest commandments are to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and to love our neighbor as ourselves—both of which flow naturally from the love He has shown us.

Finally, the love of Christ compels us to live differently. It moves us to share this love with the world, to be His hands and feet, and to live out the Gospel in our daily lives. The love of Christ is not something we keep to ourselves; it is a love that demands to be shared. As we experience His love, we are called to reflect it to others, showing them the same grace, compassion, and mercy that we have received. In a world that is often filled with hate, division, and despair, the love of Christ shines as a beacon of hope, drawing people to the Savior who loves them more than they could ever imagine. This love is the foundation of our faith, the driving force behind our mission, and the greatest gift we could ever receive.

Delivered from the Power of Sin by Jesus Christ

The power of sin is a reality that every person has faced, as Scripture tells us that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Sin enslaves, deceives, and ultimately leads to death. Yet, in the midst of this bleak reality, God, in His great love and mercy, provided a way out through Jesus Christ. When Jesus died on the cross, He not only paid the penalty for our sins, but He also broke the power of sin over our lives. His resurrection is proof that sin and death no longer have the final say. In Christ, we are no longer slaves to sin, but we have been set free to live a new life.

This deliverance from sin’s power is not just a one-time event but an ongoing reality for those who are in Christ. Through the Holy Spirit, we are empowered to resist temptation, to say no to sin, and to live in obedience to God. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work in us, enabling us to overcome the sinful habits, thoughts, and patterns that once controlled us. This doesn’t mean that we will never struggle with sin again, but it does mean that sin no longer has dominion over us. We can confidently stand in the victory that Jesus has won for us, knowing that He is with us in every battle.

Finally, being delivered from the power of sin means that we are now free to pursue righteousness and holiness. Our lives are no longer defined by our failures or our past, but by the grace and power of God at work within us. As we walk in this freedom, we reflect the character of Christ to the world around us, becoming living testimonies of His saving power. Our deliverance is not just for our own benefit, but also to bring glory to God and to draw others to the same freedom we have found in Jesus Christ. Sin’s grip has been broken, and now we can live fully and freely in the light of His grace.

The Power of the Blood of Jesus

The blood of Jesus is more than just a symbol; it is the very foundation of our faith and the means by which we are reconciled to God. From the beginning of time, the shedding of blood has been central to the idea of atonement. In the Old Testament, sacrifices were made to cover the sins of the people, but these were temporary measures, pointing forward to a greater sacrifice. When Jesus, the spotless Lamb of God, shed His blood on the cross, it was the ultimate and final sacrifice, once and for all. His blood does not merely cover our sins; it washes them away, offering us complete forgiveness and a new beginning.

The blood of Jesus also represents a powerful covenant between God and humanity. Through His sacrifice, we are not only cleansed but also brought into a new relationship with God. This covenant is unbreakable, sealed with the most precious substance—the blood of Christ. It assures us that no matter our past, no matter our failures, we are forever His. This blood speaks a better word than the blood of Abel, which cried out for justice; the blood of Jesus cries out for mercy, redemption, and grace.

Finally, the blood of Jesus is a source of victory and empowerment. In Revelation, we are told that believers overcome the enemy “by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.” This means that the blood of Jesus is not just about our past sins being forgiven; it’s about our present and future victories. When we plead the blood of Jesus, we are declaring that His sacrifice has defeated every power of darkness, every chain of bondage, and every accusation against us. It is through His blood that we have the authority to stand firm in faith, knowing that we are covered, protected, and empowered to live a victorious Christian life.