Entries by admin


1ST CORINTHIANS 15:4 Jesus Christ was buried and rose again the 3rd day the body of Jesus did not decay.. The grave could not contain Him after 3 days. There was a time frame that Jesus was in the grave The grave was meant to limit Jesus, but the grave did not have the power […]

The Transforming Love of Christ Jesus

The love of Christ Jesus is the most profound and life-changing force in the universe. Unlike human love, which can be conditional and limited, the love of Christ is unconditional, boundless, and everlasting. It is a love that knows no limits, reaching out to us even in our most broken and sinful state. As the […]

Delivered from the Power of Sin by Jesus Christ

The power of sin is a reality that every person has faced, as Scripture tells us that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Sin enslaves, deceives, and ultimately leads to death. Yet, in the midst of this bleak reality, God, in His great love and mercy, provided a way out […]

The Power of the Blood of Jesus

The blood of Jesus is more than just a symbol; it is the very foundation of our faith and the means by which we are reconciled to God. From the beginning of time, the shedding of blood has been central to the idea of atonement. In the Old Testament, sacrifices were made to cover the […]