Jesus Christ was buried and rose again the 3rd day the body of Jesus did not decay..

The grave could not contain Him after 3 days. There was a time frame that Jesus was in the grave

The grave was meant to limit Jesus, but the grave did not have the power to hold Jesus

The challenges we face have an expiry time frame.

There was divine release because the power of God that was in Jesus brought Him back to live it was so strong that it brought Him back to live

Jesus Christ, by the power of God, was able to defeat death

It’s only Jesus who has the power over death.

Jesus Christ, after rising from the grave, He was recognized by people. He did not change to an animal or another person.

Jesus Christ proved to the Jews that He was truly the son of God.
The centurion also confessed that Jesus is the Lord.

We know that if we remain in Christ, we shall resurrect together with Christ

No matter the challenges you’re going through, we have the assurance that a day is coming when we shall live with Christ forever.

Be strong in the Lord no matter the challenges you’re going through. The Lord Jesus is on your side. He has not forsaken you and is not planning to forsake you. He will fight your battles

The devil, the Pharisees, and the Sadducees thought that they had triumphed over Jesus, but He rose again.
Psalms 30:5 weeping may tarry for a night, but joy comes in the morning

Jesus overcame death, and He rose up and is sitting in the right hand of God since
He lives in us. We are going to overcome

We should have confidence in God let no one deceive you and get you out of Christ

It’s only Jesus who can save the world.

1 Peter 1:18-19
knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers.

But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without a spot.

You can not become part of His household of God before being redeemed by His blood.

The challenges you are facing will not last forever. They will let you go.
You are coming out of challenges.

Jesus Christ came out of grave, we too are coming out of sickness, diseases, setbacks, disappointment, and delay.
Hebrew 13:8..He is the same today yesterday and forever…God does not change He does not increase in power, knowledge or understanding the way He was in the garden of the Eden is the same way He is today

Jesus was buried and rose again the third day, according to the scripture.

Has God spoken a prophetic word over your life? It is going to come to pass. whatever has been spoken concerning you in the scriptures is going to pass, has your dreams died, has your business failed, has your marriage challenges, God is bringing resurrection.

Anything that has died in our lives and our ministries is going to live again in Jesus’ name

Jesus did not bypass the third day. He was not delayed. Why is it that what God says concerning you has not come to pass at the right time is the spirit of delay.

Anything that is holding you captive, let it catch fire and release you.

When God promises, you have to contend in the place of prayer, in the place of service, and in the place of believing.

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